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Pascagoula is THE place to be - and the secret’s out! Check out our media coverage here.

WLOX 4/29/2024: Anchor Square to be redeveloped into residential cottages

After being vacant for nearly two years, a new owner has different plans for the property.

WLOX 4/26/2024: New upscale apartment complex 'The Flats' now leasing in Pascagoula

A new apartment complex has emerged in Pascagoula’s historic district — but this one is not like the others.

WLOX 2/16/2024: Redevelopment Authority Invests Millions in Revitalization Projects in Pascagoula

The City Centre of downtown Pascagoula is just one of the developments creating space for business and residential opportunities.

WLOX 2/1/2023: City Centre part of Downtown Pascagoula Redevelopment

The City Centre is nearing completion! Once a bank building, the City Centre of Pascagoula is being turned into a mixed-use facility.

WXXV 8/22/22: Second of Three Public Art Sculptures Unveiled in Pascagoula

Introducing “Hurricrane,” an abstract work featuring scrap metal from Ingalls Shipbuilding. This public art project in Downtown Pascagoula was created through a partnership between the Walter Anderson Museum of Art and the Public Art Enterprise of Pascagoula.

WLOX 7/14/22: Introducing Kitchen Sisters & Odd Fella Apartments

Project completion has been announced on the mixed-use Odd Fellas building, including new business Kitchen Sisters Meal Prep and loft apartments on the second floor.

WLOX 5/18/22: Rail Line Project Transforms Train Depot and Anchor Square

Pascagoula business owners look forward to a new Rail Line Restoration Project that will breathe new life into the Pascagoula Train Depot and Anchor Square.

WXXV 3/15/22: Lee Tracey expands to Pascagoula

Ocean Springs boutique owner Katie Hinkel announces her plans to expand Lee Tracey into what was formerly the Singing River Art Gallery's suite on Delmas Avenue.

WLOX 3/14/22: Art sculpture to be unveiled in downtown Pascagoula

Walter Anderson Museum of Art Executive Director Julian Rankin discusses the upcoming unveiling of a downtown art sculpture as part of the Pascagoula Public Art Enterprise.

WLOX 1/24/22: Halter Marine moves employees downtown

Halter Marine in Pascagoula will double its workforce over the next two years. That’s creating a need for more space beyond the gates of the shipyard, adding to a growing downtown vibe.

WXXV 1/19/22: City of Pascagoula approves electric vehicle charging stations

The Pascagoula City Council approved the installation of an electric vehicle charging station downtown. The station will be mounted on a single pedestal with the capability to simultaneously charge two vehicles in adjacent parking spots.

WLOX 1/15/22: Residents Excited for Downtown Development

Residents are anticipating new development in downtown Pascagoula, Mayor Jay Willis says these new projects were made possible with $30 million worth of private investments.

WXXV 1/13/22: Several projects under construction in Pascagoula

“There is an appetite to live in Pascagoula and we're just excited to keep seeing the progress,” says City Manager Michael Silverman. The City of Pascagoula has been working tirelessly to expand their city into something brand new.

WLOX 1/14/22: Mayor Jay Willis talks downtown revitalization

Pascagoula Mayor Jay Willis visits the WLOX 4 O'Clock show to talk about exciting developments and revitalization in downtown Pascagoula.

WXXV 1/4/22: New development on old Ice House Property

The City of Pascagoula is once again ushering in the new while preserving the old. Sitting vacant since a fire in 2012, the Ice House in Pascagoula will soon see new life. Back in December, city council unanimously approved a tax increment financing plan for development on the property where the ice house sits.

WLOX 10/26/21: NPS Designates Downtown Pascagoula Historic District

WLOX reports that Downtown Pascagoula has been designated a Historic District by the National Parks Service and buildings within the district now qualify for historic tax credits.

WXXV 10/26/21: Downtown Pascagoula now a Historic District

The National Park Service has designated Downtown Pascagoula as a Historic District. WXXV reports on what this means for the city and its residents.

WLOX 10/26/21: Progress on Odd Fellas

Ramsay Taylor talks to WLOX about the revitalization and latest updates on the Odd Fellows Building in Pascagoula, Mississippi.

WLOX 7/8/21: Pascagoula brands downtown as “Flagship District”

Pascagoula is rebranding its downtown district!

WXXV 6/22/21: PRA Main Street Award

Pascagoula Redevelopment Authority receives “Premier Partner Award” from the Mississippi Main Street Association.

WLOX 3/30/21: Gulf Coast Restoration Funds in Pascagoula

Featuring interviews with PRA member Alan Sudduth and City Manager Michael Silverman, WLOX details the ways Gulf Coast Restoration Funds are being invested in Pascagoula.

WLOX 3/29/21: Update on Pascagoula Projects

Featuring an interview with local developer Chad Purdy, WLOX provides an update on revitalization projects underway in Pascagoula on Delmas Avenue.

WLOX 3/17/21: City Centre Tax Abatement

WLOX reports on the tax abatement awarded to the City Centre development in Pascagoula, Mississippi.

WXXV 2/17/21: Downtown Development Brings New Life to Pascagoula

WXXV reports that new life is flowing into Downtown Pascagoula with a revitalization effort that is gaining momentum.

WLOX 12/9/20: Scranton’s creates loft apartments

Downtown revitalization with an "old school" feel - Scranton's owner Richard Chenoweth gives details on the new loft apartments about his restaurant space.

WLOX 9/29/20: Downtown Development

Learn more about the Pascagoula City Centre and Scranton's redevelopment projects in Pascagoula, Mississippi.

WLOX 8/6/20: Downtown Revitalization

Revitalization is underway in Downtown Pascagoula with the hopes of bringing in more residents and businesses.